Submission #982295

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
#define rep(i,n) for(int (i)=0;(i)<(int)(n);++(i))
#define each(itr,c) for(__typeof(c.begin()) itr=c.begin(); itr!=c.end(); ++itr)
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
#define pb push_back
#define fi first
#define se second

typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<bool> vb;
typedef pair<int,int> edge;

vector<vi> G;

void bridge_dfs(int now, int from, vector<edge> &bridge, vector<vi> &bicomp, stack<int> &roots, stack<int> &S, vb &inS, vi &preord, int &pre_ct){
    preord[now] = pre_ct++;
    S.push(now); inS[now]=true;
        int to = G[now][i];
        if(preord[to] == -1) bridge_dfs(to,now,bridge,bicomp,roots,S,inS,preord,pre_ct);
        else if(from != to && inS[to]) while(preord[] > preord[to]) roots.pop();
    if(now =={
            int; S.pop(); inS[v]=false;
            if(now == v) break;

void bridge_detect(vector<edge> &bridge, vector<vi> &bicomp){
    const int n=G.size();
    vi preord(n,-1);
    vb inS(n,false);
    stack<int> roots,S;
    int pre_ct=0;
    rep(i,n)if(preord[i] == -1){

int main()
    int v,e;
    scanf(" %d %d", &v, &e);
    G = vector<vi>(v);
        int a,b;
        scanf(" %d %d", &a, &b);
        G[a].pb(b); G[b].pb(a);

    if(v==3 && e==2)
        return 0;
    vector<edge> bridge;
    vector<vi> bicomp;

    int B=bicomp.size();

    if(B==1) printf("IMPOSSIBLE\n");
    else if(B==2) printf("0\n");
        vector<int> group(v);
        rep(i,B)rep(j,bicomp[i].size()) group[bicomp[i][j]]=i;

        vector<vi> BG(B);
            int a=group[bridge[i].fi], b=group[bridge[i].se];
            BG[a].pb(b); BG[b].pb(a);

        int leaf=0;
        rep(i,B) if(BG[i].size()==1) ++leaf;

        const int INF=123456789;
        int ans=INF;
            int a=group[bridge[i].fi], b=group[bridge[i].se];
            if(BG[a].size()>BG[b].size()) swap(a,b);

                int SIZEB=BG[b].size();
                if(SIZEB>2) ans=min(ans,leaf/2);
                else if(SIZEB==2) ans=min(ans,(leaf+1)/2);

        if(ans==INF) printf("IMPOSSIBLE\n");
        else printf("%d\n", ans);
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - ハシポン
User imulan
Language C++11 (GCC 4.9.2)
Score 120
Code Size 2866 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 120 ms
Memory 28304 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
./Main.cpp:54:28: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
     scanf(" %d %d", &v, &e);
./Main.cpp:59:32: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
         scanf(" %d %d", &a, &b);

Judge Result

Set Name small medium All
Score / Max Score 35 / 35 30 / 30 55 / 55
AC × 156
AC × 195
AC × 238
Set Name Test Cases
small 00_example_1.txt, 00_example_2.txt, 00_example_3.txt, 00_example_4.txt, 01_small_1_0.txt, 01_small_2_0.txt, 01_small_3_0.txt, 01_small_3_1.txt, 01_small_4_0.txt, 01_small_4_1.txt, 01_small_4_2.txt, 01_small_4_3.txt, 01_small_4_4.txt, 01_small_4_5.txt, 01_small_5_0.txt, 01_small_5_1.txt, 01_small_5_10.txt, 01_small_5_11.txt, 01_small_5_12.txt, 01_small_5_13.txt, 01_small_5_14.txt, 01_small_5_15.txt, 01_small_5_16.txt, 01_small_5_17.txt, 01_small_5_18.txt, 01_small_5_19.txt, 01_small_5_2.txt, 01_small_5_20.txt, 01_small_5_3.txt, 01_small_5_4.txt, 01_small_5_5.txt, 01_small_5_6.txt, 01_small_5_7.txt, 01_small_5_8.txt, 01_small_5_9.txt, 10_tree_6_0.txt, 10_tree_6_1.txt, 10_tree_6_2.txt, 10_tree_6_3.txt, 10_tree_6_4.txt, 10_tree_6_5.txt, 10_tree_7_0.txt, 10_tree_7_1.txt, 10_tree_7_10.txt, 10_tree_7_2.txt, 10_tree_7_3.txt, 10_tree_7_4.txt, 10_tree_7_5.txt, 10_tree_7_6.txt, 10_tree_7_7.txt, 10_tree_7_8.txt, 10_tree_7_9.txt, 10_tree_8_0.txt, 10_tree_8_1.txt, 10_tree_8_10.txt, 10_tree_8_11.txt, 10_tree_8_12.txt, 10_tree_8_13.txt, 10_tree_8_14.txt, 10_tree_8_15.txt, 10_tree_8_16.txt, 10_tree_8_17.txt, 10_tree_8_18.txt, 10_tree_8_19.txt, 10_tree_8_2.txt, 10_tree_8_20.txt, 10_tree_8_21.txt, 10_tree_8_22.txt, 10_tree_8_3.txt, 10_tree_8_4.txt, 10_tree_8_5.txt, 10_tree_8_6.txt, 10_tree_8_7.txt, 10_tree_8_8.txt, 10_tree_8_9.txt, 15_tri_10_0.txt, 15_tri_10_1.txt, 15_tri_10_2.txt, 15_tri_10_3.txt, 15_tri_10_4.txt, 15_tri_11_0.txt, 15_tri_11_1.txt, 15_tri_11_2.txt, 15_tri_11_3.txt, 15_tri_11_4.txt, 15_tri_12_0.txt, 15_tri_12_1.txt, 15_tri_12_2.txt, 15_tri_12_3.txt, 15_tri_12_4.txt, 15_tri_12_5.txt, 15_tri_12_6.txt, 15_tri_13_0.txt, 15_tri_13_1.txt, 15_tri_13_2.txt, 15_tri_14_0.txt, 15_tri_14_1.txt, 15_tri_15_0.txt, 15_tri_16_0.txt, 15_tri_16_1.txt, 15_tri_16_2.txt, 15_tri_17_0.txt, 15_tri_17_1.txt, 15_tri_18_0.txt, 15_tri_19_0.txt, 15_tri_20_0.txt, 15_tri_6_0.txt, 15_tri_6_1.txt, 15_tri_7_0.txt, 15_tri_7_1.txt, 15_tri_7_2.txt, 15_tri_8_0.txt, 15_tri_8_1.txt, 15_tri_8_2.txt, 15_tri_8_3.txt, 15_tri_8_4.txt, 15_tri_8_5.txt, 15_tri_9_0.txt, 15_tri_9_1.txt, 15_tri_9_2.txt, 15_tri_9_3.txt, 15_tri_9_4.txt, 15_tri_9_5.txt, 15_tri_9_6.txt, 15_tri_9_7.txt, 20_linear_10_0.txt, 20_linear_10_1.txt, 20_linear_12_0.txt, 20_linear_6_0.txt, 20_linear_6_1.txt, 20_linear_6_2.txt, 20_linear_7_0.txt, 20_linear_7_1.txt, 20_linear_8_0.txt, 20_linear_8_1.txt, 20_linear_8_2.txt, 20_linear_8_3.txt, 20_linear_9_0.txt, 25_manual_20_0.txt, 25_manual_20_1.txt, 25_manual_20_2.txt, 25_manual_20_3.txt, 25_manual_20_4.txt, 25_manual_20_5.txt, 25_manual_20_6.txt, 25_manual_20_7.txt, 25_manual_20_8.txt, 25_manual_20_9.txt, 25_manual_6_0.txt, 25_manual_7_0.txt, 25_manual_8_0.txt, 26_manual_0.txt, 30_random_18_0.txt, 30_random_20_0.txt, 30_random_20_1.txt, 30_random_20_2.txt
medium 00_example_1.txt, 00_example_2.txt, 00_example_3.txt, 00_example_4.txt, 01_small_1_0.txt, 01_small_2_0.txt, 01_small_3_0.txt, 01_small_3_1.txt, 01_small_4_0.txt, 01_small_4_1.txt, 01_small_4_2.txt, 01_small_4_3.txt, 01_small_4_4.txt, 01_small_4_5.txt, 01_small_5_0.txt, 01_small_5_1.txt, 01_small_5_10.txt, 01_small_5_11.txt, 01_small_5_12.txt, 01_small_5_13.txt, 01_small_5_14.txt, 01_small_5_15.txt, 01_small_5_16.txt, 01_small_5_17.txt, 01_small_5_18.txt, 01_small_5_19.txt, 01_small_5_2.txt, 01_small_5_20.txt, 01_small_5_3.txt, 01_small_5_4.txt, 01_small_5_5.txt, 01_small_5_6.txt, 01_small_5_7.txt, 01_small_5_8.txt, 01_small_5_9.txt, 10_tree_6_0.txt, 10_tree_6_1.txt, 10_tree_6_2.txt, 10_tree_6_3.txt, 10_tree_6_4.txt, 10_tree_6_5.txt, 10_tree_7_0.txt, 10_tree_7_1.txt, 10_tree_7_10.txt, 10_tree_7_2.txt, 10_tree_7_3.txt, 10_tree_7_4.txt, 10_tree_7_5.txt, 10_tree_7_6.txt, 10_tree_7_7.txt, 10_tree_7_8.txt, 10_tree_7_9.txt, 10_tree_8_0.txt, 10_tree_8_1.txt, 10_tree_8_10.txt, 10_tree_8_11.txt, 10_tree_8_12.txt, 10_tree_8_13.txt, 10_tree_8_14.txt, 10_tree_8_15.txt, 10_tree_8_16.txt, 10_tree_8_17.txt, 10_tree_8_18.txt, 10_tree_8_19.txt, 10_tree_8_2.txt, 10_tree_8_20.txt, 10_tree_8_21.txt, 10_tree_8_22.txt, 10_tree_8_3.txt, 10_tree_8_4.txt, 10_tree_8_5.txt, 10_tree_8_6.txt, 10_tree_8_7.txt, 10_tree_8_8.txt, 10_tree_8_9.txt, 15_tri_10_0.txt, 15_tri_10_1.txt, 15_tri_10_2.txt, 15_tri_10_3.txt, 15_tri_10_4.txt, 15_tri_11_0.txt, 15_tri_11_1.txt, 15_tri_11_2.txt, 15_tri_11_3.txt, 15_tri_11_4.txt, 15_tri_12_0.txt, 15_tri_12_1.txt, 15_tri_12_2.txt, 15_tri_12_3.txt, 15_tri_12_4.txt, 15_tri_12_5.txt, 15_tri_12_6.txt, 15_tri_13_0.txt, 15_tri_13_1.txt, 15_tri_13_2.txt, 15_tri_14_0.txt, 15_tri_14_1.txt, 15_tri_15_0.txt, 15_tri_16_0.txt, 15_tri_16_1.txt, 15_tri_16_2.txt, 15_tri_17_0.txt, 15_tri_17_1.txt, 15_tri_18_0.txt, 15_tri_19_0.txt, 15_tri_20_0.txt, 15_tri_6_0.txt, 15_tri_6_1.txt, 15_tri_7_0.txt, 15_tri_7_1.txt, 15_tri_7_2.txt, 15_tri_8_0.txt, 15_tri_8_1.txt, 15_tri_8_2.txt, 15_tri_8_3.txt, 15_tri_8_4.txt, 15_tri_8_5.txt, 15_tri_9_0.txt, 15_tri_9_1.txt, 15_tri_9_2.txt, 15_tri_9_3.txt, 15_tri_9_4.txt, 15_tri_9_5.txt, 15_tri_9_6.txt, 15_tri_9_7.txt, 20_linear_10_0.txt, 20_linear_10_1.txt, 20_linear_12_0.txt, 20_linear_6_0.txt, 20_linear_6_1.txt, 20_linear_6_2.txt, 20_linear_7_0.txt, 20_linear_7_1.txt, 20_linear_8_0.txt, 20_linear_8_1.txt, 20_linear_8_2.txt, 20_linear_8_3.txt, 20_linear_9_0.txt, 25_manual_20_0.txt, 25_manual_20_1.txt, 25_manual_20_2.txt, 25_manual_20_3.txt, 25_manual_20_4.txt, 25_manual_20_5.txt, 25_manual_20_6.txt, 25_manual_20_7.txt, 25_manual_20_8.txt, 25_manual_20_9.txt, 25_manual_6_0.txt, 25_manual_7_0.txt, 25_manual_8_0.txt, 26_manual_0.txt, 30_random_18_0.txt, 30_random_20_0.txt, 30_random_20_1.txt, 30_random_20_2.txt, 50_random_2000_0.txt, 50_random_2000_1.txt, 50_random_2000_10.txt, 50_random_2000_11.txt, 50_random_2000_12.txt, 50_random_2000_13.txt, 50_random_2000_14.txt, 50_random_2000_15.txt, 50_random_2000_16.txt, 50_random_2000_17.txt, 50_random_2000_18.txt, 50_random_2000_19.txt, 50_random_2000_2.txt, 50_random_2000_20.txt, 50_random_2000_21.txt, 50_random_2000_22.txt, 50_random_2000_23.txt, 50_random_2000_24.txt, 50_random_2000_25.txt, 50_random_2000_26.txt, 50_random_2000_27.txt, 50_random_2000_28.txt, 50_random_2000_29.txt, 50_random_2000_3.txt, 50_random_2000_4.txt, 50_random_2000_5.txt, 50_random_2000_6.txt, 50_random_2000_7.txt, 50_random_2000_8.txt, 50_random_2000_9.txt, 55_manual_1998_0.txt, 55_manual_2000_0.txt, 55_manual_2000_1.txt, 55_manual_2000_2.txt, 55_manual_2000_3.txt, 55_manual_2000_4.txt, 55_manual_2000_5.txt, 55_manual_2000_6.txt, 55_manual_670_0.txt
All 00_example_1.txt, 00_example_2.txt, 00_example_3.txt, 00_example_4.txt, 01_small_1_0.txt, 01_small_2_0.txt, 01_small_3_0.txt, 01_small_3_1.txt, 01_small_4_0.txt, 01_small_4_1.txt, 01_small_4_2.txt, 01_small_4_3.txt, 01_small_4_4.txt, 01_small_4_5.txt, 01_small_5_0.txt, 01_small_5_1.txt, 01_small_5_10.txt, 01_small_5_11.txt, 01_small_5_12.txt, 01_small_5_13.txt, 01_small_5_14.txt, 01_small_5_15.txt, 01_small_5_16.txt, 01_small_5_17.txt, 01_small_5_18.txt, 01_small_5_19.txt, 01_small_5_2.txt, 01_small_5_20.txt, 01_small_5_3.txt, 01_small_5_4.txt, 01_small_5_5.txt, 01_small_5_6.txt, 01_small_5_7.txt, 01_small_5_8.txt, 01_small_5_9.txt, 10_tree_6_0.txt, 10_tree_6_1.txt, 10_tree_6_2.txt, 10_tree_6_3.txt, 10_tree_6_4.txt, 10_tree_6_5.txt, 10_tree_7_0.txt, 10_tree_7_1.txt, 10_tree_7_10.txt, 10_tree_7_2.txt, 10_tree_7_3.txt, 10_tree_7_4.txt, 10_tree_7_5.txt, 10_tree_7_6.txt, 10_tree_7_7.txt, 10_tree_7_8.txt, 10_tree_7_9.txt, 10_tree_8_0.txt, 10_tree_8_1.txt, 10_tree_8_10.txt, 10_tree_8_11.txt, 10_tree_8_12.txt, 10_tree_8_13.txt, 10_tree_8_14.txt, 10_tree_8_15.txt, 10_tree_8_16.txt, 10_tree_8_17.txt, 10_tree_8_18.txt, 10_tree_8_19.txt, 10_tree_8_2.txt, 10_tree_8_20.txt, 10_tree_8_21.txt, 10_tree_8_22.txt, 10_tree_8_3.txt, 10_tree_8_4.txt, 10_tree_8_5.txt, 10_tree_8_6.txt, 10_tree_8_7.txt, 10_tree_8_8.txt, 10_tree_8_9.txt, 15_tri_10_0.txt, 15_tri_10_1.txt, 15_tri_10_2.txt, 15_tri_10_3.txt, 15_tri_10_4.txt, 15_tri_11_0.txt, 15_tri_11_1.txt, 15_tri_11_2.txt, 15_tri_11_3.txt, 15_tri_11_4.txt, 15_tri_12_0.txt, 15_tri_12_1.txt, 15_tri_12_2.txt, 15_tri_12_3.txt, 15_tri_12_4.txt, 15_tri_12_5.txt, 15_tri_12_6.txt, 15_tri_13_0.txt, 15_tri_13_1.txt, 15_tri_13_2.txt, 15_tri_14_0.txt, 15_tri_14_1.txt, 15_tri_15_0.txt, 15_tri_16_0.txt, 15_tri_16_1.txt, 15_tri_16_2.txt, 15_tri_17_0.txt, 15_tri_17_1.txt, 15_tri_18_0.txt, 15_tri_19_0.txt, 15_tri_20_0.txt, 15_tri_6_0.txt, 15_tri_6_1.txt, 15_tri_7_0.txt, 15_tri_7_1.txt, 15_tri_7_2.txt, 15_tri_8_0.txt, 15_tri_8_1.txt, 15_tri_8_2.txt, 15_tri_8_3.txt, 15_tri_8_4.txt, 15_tri_8_5.txt, 15_tri_9_0.txt, 15_tri_9_1.txt, 15_tri_9_2.txt, 15_tri_9_3.txt, 15_tri_9_4.txt, 15_tri_9_5.txt, 15_tri_9_6.txt, 15_tri_9_7.txt, 20_linear_10_0.txt, 20_linear_10_1.txt, 20_linear_12_0.txt, 20_linear_6_0.txt, 20_linear_6_1.txt, 20_linear_6_2.txt, 20_linear_7_0.txt, 20_linear_7_1.txt, 20_linear_8_0.txt, 20_linear_8_1.txt, 20_linear_8_2.txt, 20_linear_8_3.txt, 20_linear_9_0.txt, 25_manual_20_0.txt, 25_manual_20_1.txt, 25_manual_20_2.txt, 25_manual_20_3.txt, 25_manual_20_4.txt, 25_manual_20_5.txt, 25_manual_20_6.txt, 25_manual_20_7.txt, 25_manual_20_8.txt, 25_manual_20_9.txt, 25_manual_6_0.txt, 25_manual_7_0.txt, 25_manual_8_0.txt, 26_manual_0.txt, 30_random_18_0.txt, 30_random_20_0.txt, 30_random_20_1.txt, 30_random_20_2.txt, 50_random_2000_0.txt, 50_random_2000_1.txt, 50_random_2000_10.txt, 50_random_2000_11.txt, 50_random_2000_12.txt, 50_random_2000_13.txt, 50_random_2000_14.txt, 50_random_2000_15.txt, 50_random_2000_16.txt, 50_random_2000_17.txt, 50_random_2000_18.txt, 50_random_2000_19.txt, 50_random_2000_2.txt, 50_random_2000_20.txt, 50_random_2000_21.txt, 50_random_2000_22.txt, 50_random_2000_23.txt, 50_random_2000_24.txt, 50_random_2000_25.txt, 50_random_2000_26.txt, 50_random_2000_27.txt, 50_random_2000_28.txt, 50_random_2000_29.txt, 50_random_2000_3.txt, 50_random_2000_4.txt, 50_random_2000_5.txt, 50_random_2000_6.txt, 50_random_2000_7.txt, 50_random_2000_8.txt, 50_random_2000_9.txt, 55_manual_1998_0.txt, 55_manual_2000_0.txt, 55_manual_2000_1.txt, 55_manual_2000_2.txt, 55_manual_2000_3.txt, 55_manual_2000_4.txt, 55_manual_2000_5.txt, 55_manual_2000_6.txt, 55_manual_670_0.txt, 80_random_100000_0.txt, 80_random_100000_1.txt, 80_random_100000_10.txt, 80_random_100000_11.txt, 80_random_100000_12.txt, 80_random_100000_13.txt, 80_random_100000_14.txt, 80_random_100000_15.txt, 80_random_100000_16.txt, 80_random_100000_17.txt, 80_random_100000_18.txt, 80_random_100000_19.txt, 80_random_100000_2.txt, 80_random_100000_20.txt, 80_random_100000_21.txt, 80_random_100000_22.txt, 80_random_100000_23.txt, 80_random_100000_24.txt, 80_random_100000_25.txt, 80_random_100000_26.txt, 80_random_100000_27.txt, 80_random_100000_28.txt, 80_random_100000_29.txt, 80_random_100000_3.txt, 80_random_100000_30.txt, 80_random_100000_31.txt, 80_random_100000_32.txt, 80_random_100000_33.txt, 80_random_100000_4.txt, 80_random_100000_5.txt, 80_random_100000_6.txt, 80_random_100000_7.txt, 80_random_100000_8.txt, 80_random_100000_9.txt, 85_manual_100000_0.txt, 85_manual_100000_1.txt, 85_manual_100000_2.txt, 85_manual_100000_3.txt, 85_manual_100000_4.txt, 85_manual_100000_5.txt, 85_manual_100000_6.txt, 85_manual_100000_7.txt, 85_manual_100000_8.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00_example_1.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
00_example_2.txt AC 17 ms 800 KB
00_example_3.txt AC 17 ms 796 KB
00_example_4.txt AC 17 ms 800 KB
01_small_1_0.txt AC 17 ms 796 KB
01_small_2_0.txt AC 17 ms 924 KB
01_small_3_0.txt AC 17 ms 796 KB
01_small_3_1.txt AC 17 ms 920 KB
01_small_4_0.txt AC 17 ms 792 KB
01_small_4_1.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
01_small_4_2.txt AC 17 ms 796 KB
01_small_4_3.txt AC 16 ms 800 KB
01_small_4_4.txt AC 18 ms 920 KB
01_small_4_5.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
01_small_5_0.txt AC 18 ms 736 KB
01_small_5_1.txt AC 19 ms 844 KB
01_small_5_10.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
01_small_5_11.txt AC 18 ms 924 KB
01_small_5_12.txt AC 18 ms 928 KB
01_small_5_13.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
01_small_5_14.txt AC 18 ms 920 KB
01_small_5_15.txt AC 17 ms 796 KB
01_small_5_16.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
01_small_5_17.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
01_small_5_18.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
01_small_5_19.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
01_small_5_2.txt AC 18 ms 912 KB
01_small_5_20.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
01_small_5_3.txt AC 18 ms 924 KB
01_small_5_4.txt AC 18 ms 920 KB
01_small_5_5.txt AC 17 ms 912 KB
01_small_5_6.txt AC 18 ms 840 KB
01_small_5_7.txt AC 19 ms 920 KB
01_small_5_8.txt AC 17 ms 928 KB
01_small_5_9.txt AC 18 ms 928 KB
10_tree_6_0.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_6_1.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
10_tree_6_2.txt AC 18 ms 796 KB
10_tree_6_3.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_6_4.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_6_5.txt AC 18 ms 924 KB
10_tree_7_0.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_7_1.txt AC 20 ms 796 KB
10_tree_7_10.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_7_2.txt AC 18 ms 796 KB
10_tree_7_3.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_7_4.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
10_tree_7_5.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
10_tree_7_6.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_7_7.txt AC 18 ms 928 KB
10_tree_7_8.txt AC 18 ms 928 KB
10_tree_7_9.txt AC 18 ms 796 KB
10_tree_8_0.txt AC 18 ms 924 KB
10_tree_8_1.txt AC 18 ms 796 KB
10_tree_8_10.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
10_tree_8_11.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
10_tree_8_12.txt AC 19 ms 792 KB
10_tree_8_13.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
10_tree_8_14.txt AC 19 ms 800 KB
10_tree_8_15.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
10_tree_8_16.txt AC 18 ms 792 KB
10_tree_8_17.txt AC 18 ms 788 KB
10_tree_8_18.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
10_tree_8_19.txt AC 18 ms 800 KB
10_tree_8_2.txt AC 18 ms 924 KB
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